3 Tips To Prepare Your Vehicle For An Upcoming Road Trip

Whether you are driving to a beach in the same state or heading to a theme park across the country, road trips are a popular type of vacation. As a matter of fact, an estimated 69 percent of Americans consider a road trip the most popular type of travel. While excellent for spending time with the family and seeing all the different sites, road trips can also place a great deal of stress on your vehicle. [Read More]

3 Dashboard Warning Lights That Could Mean Major Problems

There are many things that can cause that pit feeling in your stomach, and one of them is when you start your vehicle and a light illuminates on your dashboard signaling that something is wrong with your vehicle. While your vehicle may sound and drive fine, there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Dashboard lights may not always require attention immediately, but they should never be ignored. [Read More]

Are You Buying A Used Car For Your Kid? Make Sure They Know These 3 Warning Signs Of A Failing AC Compressor

Used vehicles are ideal for new drivers who may not be ready to take on a car payment but need a way to get to and from work or school. However, the possibility of your kid's car coming with a few quirks goes up along with the mileage. Car AC units on older vehicles sometimes do go out, but you can help your child keep their car cool by showing them how to notice these three early warning signs of a problem with the compressor. [Read More]

Servicing The Automatic Transmission In Your Car Or Truck

It doesn't matter if you drive a couple miles a day or a couple hundred, there are parts of your car or truck that will require service at specific intervals. In many cases, these service intervals are set to specific mileage numbers on your car so the time between them may be different for different drivers. One thing often overlooked when it comes to regular service is the automatic transmission but it needs to be serviced just like every other part of your car or truck. [Read More]